Today is a good morning! It may be freezing in Nairobi but it is bright and sunny in Taita Taveta county,  and best of all, the team has brand new shoes!! Still thanking Mr. Mohammed and his team! And the shoes get to go with brand new sports socks in a rainbow of colors!
I happen to have spent a good amount of my teenage years around a professional athlete. I could never get over how many pairs of shoes he had to have. There were different ones for regular training, some for competition preparation, competition shoes for tarmac, stadium, snow and name it. There were fancy expensive shoes all over. I thought they were that many for company endorsement but I now realize that the hundreds of pairs were out of necessity.
I have watched our heroes' shoes transform from new to used to old before my eyes. I would be keen to know how many steps a person makes to wear out a shoe. In three weeks, two pairs were history. And guess what, old shoes worsen blisters and cones.
Our heroes are in quality walking shoes. They are safe from injury and that makes me so contented. My shoes are still in great shape, a testimony of the distance walked. So I guess that's why I am still far from being as toned as they are! Lessons learnt: you wanna  shape up, your shoes are evidence of the quality of your workout!
Mombasa seems closer now.  Our feet are lighter and more agile. We are sprinting to the finish line but for today, we shall stop over at Maungu!


Underneath the white coat is a woman, with a deep appreciation for the simple joys of life. Happy to share my experiences and musings with you through my work and life!

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