The geography of our country will never cease to amaze me. Today we officially complete the Tsavo crossing. I made a mental note to self to learn everything I can about this exotic natural resource.
The Tsavo National Park is largest national park in Kenya and one of the largest in the world, covering over 22,000km2. It was gazetted in 1948, making it one of the oldest parks in Kenya. It was split into East and West by the railway line and the Nairobi-Mombasa highway. It borders the counties of Tana River, Taita Taveta, Kitui and Makueni, with a migration route connecting it to Amboseli National Park.
Tsavo East, the larger of the two, is 13,747sq. Km. It is accessed through Manyani, Voi, Buchuma and Sala Gates. It is generally flat, with dry plains through which the Galana River (a merging of Athi and Tsavo Rivers) meanders. It is the home of the Yatta Plateau and Lugard Falls. It supports a massive ecosystem of the big five among others and is the habitat of the Red Elephant, derived from the red Tsavo soil that coats the beasts, and infamous for their temper!
Tsavo West occupies with a more varied landscape, rocky, mountainous and hosting Lake Jipe and the Mzima Springs (the source of Mombasa's water).  Its swamps support a host of fauna, from bird life to large mammals such as black rhino, Cape buffalo, elephant, leopard, hippo, Maasai giraffe and Masai lion  to smaller animals like dik dik, bush baby, hartebeest and lesser kudu. It is accessed through Mtito, Man Eaters, Chyulu and Maktau Gates.
To be able to experience this wonder on foot, driven by such a noble cause is surreal. I look at these selfless gentlemen walking with such single minded focus to save a woman's life. A faceless woman they may never personally know. A woman who embodies the representation of our society as we know it. I truly have to wonder if they have any comprehension of the depth of their sacrifice. I sure hope the public does!
Buchuma Gate is our stop for the night. We rest the body as the spirit soars on.


Underneath the white coat is a woman, with a deep appreciation for the simple joys of life. Happy to share my experiences and musings with you through my work and life!

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