How does one say thank you to someone who opens up his palacial home to a crowd of strangers and fully embraces them? Still trying to wrap my head around that! When we find the right words, we shall convey our thanks adequately to the Nyaundis.
Today I have asked myself the tough questions. Our cause is noble, that is not in doubt. It is also very very expensive. It is entirely dependent on well wishers. One cannot be compelled to support The Step by Step Campaign. They must want to support it from deep within their hearts.
I look at these gentlemen, Thomas Chacha, Peter Chacha, Nyangi Nyamohanga, Philip Rogoro and Daniel Chogo, and all I pray. Please Lord, don't let them walk in vain. They have made sacrifices we can only imagine, in order to walk for our mothers, sisters, daughters and wives. They have neglected their economic activities for 34 days to give back to the woman. They have left their families, with little children, to honour a vow they made to themselves to ensure cervical cancer did not devastate one more family. It would break my heart if this was all in vain.
Peter hasn't said a word but his sickly baby is back to the hospital yet again. He is stoutly keeping his feelings hidden. At least Nyangi's newborn is better today. He can afford a smile. This gives me hope that Kenyans, here at home and in the diaspora, wont let us down. And in keeping with the faith, we surprised Thomas with a small birthday cake provided by a well wisher to celebrate his big day, albeit a day late. CAN YOU BELEIVE HE IS ON THE ROAD WALKING 1000KM AT 51!!!!!


Underneath the white coat is a woman, with a deep appreciation for the simple joys of life. Happy to share my experiences and musings with you through my work and life!

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