I know modesty is a virtue but today I am allowed to brag. 25km of walking, only 5hrs sleep, no painkillers, no massage and I am up by 4.00am! If that isn't worth bragging, then I ain't sure what is. The team was up sharp and early. Today they will meet their supporters on radio and have breakfast with the Nation Media Group management team.
Sitting in Studio with Jimmi Gathu talking about their journey and their motivation to take action against cancer, I felt humbled. I realised just how much sacrifice they were making. Today everyone has blisters and lots of pain but they are not cowed. They may not even have the words to express their convinctions and yet you can see the determination in their eyes.
I still keep asking myself, what would one do to even remotely match these men's spirit? How does one even quantify their sacrifice? It's a question I cannot answer. I can only be challenged to give of myself without reservations. As a doctor, as I solemnly swore to protect life, and do no harm, I will do so in these camps, and put my skills use for the benefit of the women of Kenya.
In your space, I challenge you today, find it in your heart, to do the noble thing. Open your heart and join these brave and noble men in giving to those who deserve your generosity the most. That is my humble prayer.


Underneath the white coat is a woman, with a deep appreciation for the simple joys of life. Happy to share my experiences and musings with you through my work and life!

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