Today we arrive in Nairobi! We are excited and looking forward to completing the first leg of the walk. Our courage and determination can be measured. We can proudly say the halfway mark is here.
We did not have to wake up so early, which allowed us time to stretch our sore muscles in preparation for the 25km stretch. I haven't walked that far yet  but I have to do it today. I swore to myself I will  not ride into Nairobi under any circumstances. It is too exciting a day to spend it in a vehicle. We are also anticipating supporters to join us. I intend to walk beside them the whole nine yards.
Joy woke up this morning stifling a scream. At least now I know she is human! She had too much energy on yesterday's walk that made me envy being 19. I figure muscles do not forgive:-) But after breakfast, and a shower,  she's rearing to go.
As we break camp and get ready to leave, we get a plesant surprise! Family is already here to walk with us! Oh wow, that was totally unexpected! From the little ones to the grown ups. They raise the mood of the team even higher. And they are determined to walk the entire route. Now we are set for the day!
We hit the road with flare and our heroes challenged them to the regular pace for the first 10km. They only succeeded in raising the excitement to fever-pitch. They met the challenge head on and kept the banter going. The numbers kept growing as Uber taxis kept dropping off more supporters. At Kangemi, we were met by the Kenya Motocycle Association members, both the men and the ladies. They made a fantastic outrider formation for us. They did a splendid job in traffic control and keeping us safe. Joy was the official team cheerleader. She was amazingly energetic, keeping everyone motivated, dishing out water and cookies and passing round the glucose. The Cancer Research Trust-Kenya team met us at Westlands and added to the fanfare; we appreciate our medical team for walking with us!
It was deeply gratifying to walk into Sarova Panafric without once riding in the vehicles! Thomas Chacha was overwhelmed when his family ran to receive him, including his grand baby!  What a reception. The Sarova team came out with the famous Sarova hospitality. After the press coverage, the team was checked into the hotel for a much needed rest. My deep appreciation to them. It is just what the doctor ordered for the heroes!!!


Underneath the white coat is a woman, with a deep appreciation for the simple joys of life. Happy to share my experiences and musings with you through my work and life!

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