When I went on live TV, on world AIDS day, December 1st, 2011, to talk about my experience concerning exposure to HIV in the course of duty, I never never figured it would come to haunt me so soon after.

Today, while doing a caesarian section in theatre, I did prick myself once again. Over a thousand caesarian sections since my last experience and I was back to square one. I now know for sure that one never gets used to these things, however frequently they occur.

Off I went to CCC to get help. What a drastic improvement in service delivery since 2007! Yes the process is still supremely long and tiresome, but this time round, the staff were charming, helpful and with a smile! I introduced myself to the receptionist who immediately took me to the pharmacy to get my first dose of ARVs. Thereafter, I had to go across the road to a VCT to get tested (the CCC has not received test kits lately due to the on-going controversy over the rapid test kits). I've never seen the inside of a VCT but Mrs. Margaret made me feel at home and sent me back to CCC with a motherly hug and a note saying I was fit for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).

The records clerk asked me crazy details for my file, that left me wondering how violated sick patients must feel everytime they have to open a Kenyatta National Hospital file. Off to the counsellor where I have to say I was relieved to find a partner for this long journey. Dr. Rachel got a huge blood splash on her face yesterday in theatre, and is on her first day of the drugs. She's a pro, having done two previous PEP courses. She assures me it doesn't get any easier. We share the counselling session and its amazing the stuff we as doctors take for granted. Issues of adherence, side effects, nutrition and safe sex! Not for the faint-hearted.

Next is to see the doctor. Very nice guy he is, I'd keep him as my family physician, save for the part where he sent me to the lab. I must admit, needles still scare me and I had to work real hard to hide the threatening tears: hey, I just met Dr. Rachel, I have a reputation to protect!

The pharmacists at CCC must be the reason out patients have complied to their regimens so far! They are amazing! Efficient and rather gregarious.

As for my wonderful family and my dear boyfriend (who consoled me more for the diagnostic pricks than even the actual injury - yeah, they know me well!), all i can say is, I am blessed to belong to you!

Tonight, as I swallow my first official dose of these massive tablets that choke my throat, I say a prayer of thanksgiving for all who made today bearable. Kudos guys, you are my inspiration for the next 28days...


Underneath the white coat is a woman, with a deep appreciation for the simple joys of life. Happy to share my experiences and musings with you through my work and life!

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  1. Pole sana my dear for that experience. I'm sure it doesn't get easier and the feelings of fear and panic are just the same as the first time it happened. It shall be well. You're in my thoughts. Hugs.
