Last night I had two patients at camp; Thomas and Barry. They were to get injection painkillers to help alleviate the pain on their blistered feet. I left them telling stories sitting around the camp and went for a shower. When I came back with my medical kit, they had all disappeared to bed!
I couldn't help laughing. See, Barry is quite a big guy, and extremely fit. Without any preparation, he joined the team and has walked with them this past week throughout the whole distance, including the 49km for yesterday.  His feet are now blistered and some of those blisters are painfully red. It is absolutely hilarious that he can tolerate that kind of pain, yet he runs from a needleprick. Let's just say that my four year experience injecting babies came in handy and I did corner my quarry for that ever-important shot.
One more night that I am thankful for, I did not get a scopiorn bite and I did not share my sleeping bag with a snake. We've got to be thankful for the little things, right? It's a beautiful sunrise and I am enjoying a hearty breakfast served by Dan. You'd think the team would be sluggish this morning after the long walk yesterday but they are so chipper it's amazing. And they have taken cold showers!!! I want some of whatever it is they are eating!
Today we are walking to a wiped out little shopping centre called Ghazi. It pretty much shouldn't even be existing as it is within the park but a few people tried living there and doing business during the road and rail construction. Many have been harmed in animal-human conflict.  Once the team achieves its mileage for the day, they will ride back to Man Eaters Gate for the night. Tomorrow they will be ferried back to Ghazi to continue their walk into Voi. That is how seriously KWS takes security! I love these guys. They live their work and are really good at what they do. They understand the animals like their babies. I am learning so much from them.
I received great news this morning. Mr. Mohamed of Bradleys, and his team, have gotten shoes for the team!!! They've even thrown in socks and drinking water!!! How cool is that! Blessings blessing...So off to Nairobi I go, to receive the donation and make our walkers' feet happy!


Underneath the white coat is a woman, with a deep appreciation for the simple joys of life. Happy to share my experiences and musings with you through my work and life!

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