This morning when my alarm rang, I nearly wailed. Every muscle in my body was frozen. I could not move without them protesting. It took a lot of groaning to drag myself out of bed and stretch the sore muscles enough to function.
I ended up cheating on the walk on day 2. I had to go to the Kisii market and shop for groceries. You never know when there shall be no sign of green through the counties we shall traverse. So we must stock up our freezer with traditional vegetables and legumes.
By the time I joined the walk, they had already covered 40km and I only managed the last 5km. The walk through Kisii town was absolutely amusing. My people have  very interesting way of expressing their curiosity. They couldn't be bothered to look at the banners on the truck. They prefer to guess and ask for confirmation. Their questions ranged from ' who died?' to 'so have you overturned the government?' leaving me in stitches.
Reasons why mamas are so amazing! She met us on the road with sodas for the whole team!!! That was too cool.
Our host for the  night was the Ufanisi resort. The manager and his crew welcomed us warmly and ensured that our tents and kitchennete were all set up. We settled in, our amazing chef Dan quickly supplying hot tea/coffee/milo, while whipping up a hot dinner. Our ardent supporters Lilian and Joy kept us company  around the camp jiko as we prepared the veggies for storage.
Today our heroes are all really beat. The 45km stretch took its toll and they are in pain. I am dishing out painkillers to them and rubbing deep heat hoping they shall be fit for tomorrow. Nyangi is particularly worried and the team leader explains to me that his baby,  who is barely a month old is not well. He has been on the phone with his wife all evening. I can feel his struggle to be a good dad and yet he is driven passionately by his dedication to this noble cause. We give him space to settle down but he knows that whatever he decides, we will support him.
I am not sure about Peter's feet. He had a slight limp by the end of the day  but he's brushing it aside.
Another day, another step closer to the finish line. We only give thanks.


Underneath the white coat is a woman, with a deep appreciation for the simple joys of life. Happy to share my experiences and musings with you through my work and life!

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