The new dawn is here, with warmth and sunshine and warm hearts all around. The ACK Guest house team continued to extend their hospitality and gve the team a warm send-off.
The walk today is fair, 21km in all, to Sultan Hamud. The team covered it in under three hours and left me amazed. These gentlemen have gotten so used to the road that they are unable to tame their pace even when the distance is  not so punishing. They forge on with such purpose, its humbling.
I must say I love the Makueni community. These must be the friendliest lot in Kenya. They are so welcoming it is overwhelming. Everyone is ready to welcome the team even with no prior notice, and go the whole nine yards in giving their best in hospitality,  irrespective of whether it is a school, a hotel or even a police post.
Today we are hosted at a roadside boarding primary school called Three Bells. The director himself was already at the school awaiting the team's arrival. It is moments like these that melt my heart, remind us that deep down, we are truly Kenyan. That what unites us is the common  good.
Makes me remember that cervical cancer does not discriminate. It does not choose color, race, background, lifestyle or level of education. If you don't tame it, it will devour everyone. That is why this coming together to fight back this monster demonstrates our unity towards a common goal. I am happy to be a part of this noble cause!


Underneath the white coat is a woman, with a deep appreciation for the simple joys of life. Happy to share my experiences and musings with you through my work and life!

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