We are finally in the double digit days!!!
Mighty thankful for the support thus far. Day 9 was real tough on the team. The Narok-Ntulele stretch is not for the faint hearted. It is a stretch of 2km-long downhills and commensurate uphills. It taxes the joints heavily and can sap the determination out of any man, BUT NOT THESE MEN!
I am away from them today for logistical reasons and I spoke to them this morning. After such a taxing stretch on the road, it rained heavily overnight and being camped out in the open air at Ntulele police station, it was a tough night. The cold did not help the worn out joints.  But it was amazing to hear their voices so full of energy and determination! These men inspire me.
Today I listened to Jimmi on radio expressing his opinion of them and it made my eyes water. I could not have epitomized them any better. He called their example true savant leadership. I completely agree.
The reality is that cancer is rocking the whole world as we speak, irrespective of whether it is first world or third world. Every country is grappling with the blows it is unleashing. We as a developing country cannot expect some country to swoop in like a knight in shining armour to the rescue. We are on our own in the deep end and we must swim or swim, drowning is not an option.
It is therefore imperative that we get up and provide our own solutions. The team walking is demonstrating just that. Not only are they pointing out the glaring gaps in our health system, but are also demonstrating that these gaps can be managed only if we commit to doing so.
I very well know that we can't all walk, that we can't all do surgery, we can't all nurse the cancer patients. But in one way or the other, we can all contribute to this most noble initiative.  We can encourage the team, we can feed them as they walk, we can give water, we can give medical supplies, we can host the medical team, we can let the whole world know what's going on, we can give whatever we can, large or small, every penny counts.
Open your heart and let us make it happen.


Underneath the white coat is a woman, with a deep appreciation for the simple joys of life. Happy to share my experiences and musings with you through my work and life!

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