The birth of a baby is an exhilarating experience. The birth
of more than one baby at once is positively electrifying!
Karen* was my first ever multiple birth experience. She
waddled into the labour ward at about one o’clock in the morning declaring she
was in labour. She was infectiously cheerful for someone in pain. She had been
attending out antenatal clinic and she was very well prepared for delivery.
This was a great learning experience for me as a young intern doctor in the
labour ward.
As the nurse settled Nancy in bed, I prepared to review her
even as we waited for her file to arrive from the record department. Karen was
a breath of fresh air. At that hour of the morning, she was very bubbly. She
informed me of all the key things I needed to know in one sentence. She knew
she was carrying twins who’s due date was in two days’ time, and that they were
both positioned head first and so she was scheduled for a normal delivery.
It was refreshing to meet a patient who was so involved in
her care and privy to all her relevant medical information. She noted that she
had been woken up about an hour before by what felt like labour pains but noted
that despite the short duration, her contractions were quite regular and only
about three minutes apart.
As I started to jot all this down, she had a contraction that
interrupted the conversation. It was a big one that got me concerned. I
suspended taking the medical history to examine her first. My decision was well
informed because her babies were ready to come there and then. The race to
wheel her bed to the delivery suit was by all means hilarious. I was shouting
to the midwife to bring the delivery tray while everyone scattered out of our
We did make it to the delivery suite but certainly not onto
the delivery couch. The babies were well on their way. The first twin arrived
without much effort. Mummy needed no encouragement. She gave a single push and
the little fellow came out yelling lustily as he took his first breath. I never
even got a chance to wear the sterile delivery gown.
Barely had we cut the umbilical cord and settled him in the
resursitare (the receiving bed for newborns) that his brother quickly made his
entry into the world. He was equally loud and assertive. The two came out
minutes apart, identical in every way except for their birth weights. At 3700g
and 3900g, they were really big for a twin pregnancy. Karen was ecstatic.
Worldwide, monozygotic (identical) twins occur at a rate of 4
per 1000 birth. They result from fertilization of one egg by one ovum. Once the
fertilized egg starts to divide into many cells that form the eventual baby,
somewhere along the way they cleave into two separate entities, each
independently developing into a baby. The babies are same gender and will look
very much alike.
Fraternal (non-identical, dizygotic) twins on the other hand
result from two separate eggs that are fertilized at the same time and develop
into two separate babies who are not identical and may even be different sexes.
The incidence rate varies for these twins, and is dependent on age of mother,
race and interventions such as assisted fertility. The rate is about 10-40 per
1000 births in blacks, 7-10 per 1000 births in whites, and approximately 3 per
1000 births in Asians. It is also more common in the older women.
The excitement of the double blessings is not without its
downside. Multiple pregnancies, twins, triplets and other high order births
come with increased complications. There is associated higher rate of neonatal
morbidity and mortality, risk of preterm delivery, low birth weight, congenital
abnormalities and other high-risk morbidities. Maternal morbidity and mortality
are also increased with complications such as anemia, pre-eclampsia and
post-partum hemorrhage.
With each extra baby in the womb, the pregnancy duration is
reduced by approximately two weeks. Therefore, the higher the number of
multiples, the higher the expected rate of prematurity and resultant low birth
The large placenta to cater for the multiple babies increases
the risk of the mother developing pregnancy-induced hypertension, pre-eclampsia
and eclampsia. This sets in earlier in the pregnancy, increasing the need to
deliver earlier, hence setting up the vicious cycle of prematurity.
The excessive stretch on the uterus makes it difficult to
contract after the babies come out, hence allowing for heavy bleeding that
could be life threatening. Mothers delivering twins are marked from the outset
as high alert for bleeding and their management is aggressively geared towards
preventing postpartum hemorrhage. They are more likely to undergo a caesarian
section especially because of the position of the babies in the womb.
Karen’s babies may certainly have avoided prematurity and low
birth weight, much to our relief, but Karen wasn’t so lucky. Within the first
hour of delivery, she got an attack of eclampsia that sent her straight to the
intensive care unit for three days.
It is not always easy adjusting to motherhood and the demands
a new baby brings. The demands are even more so increased in the case of
multiple babies and this can be difficult for the new mother. This leads to
increased risk of post-natal depression in the new mother.
Our double bundles of joy certainly serve an extra portion of
happiness despite the uncertainties they come with!
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