As the holidays come to a close and the endless January starts, we all shake off the nostalgia and get back to work, school or whatever it is that we do for the rest of the 50 weeks of the year. For most people, despite planning and re-organizing their finances, January is still a tough month financially. This year will be doubly so for most due to the bruising economic times we’ve been through in 2017.

Meanwhile, in the past two weeks, many babies have been conceived in the state of merriment! Most spouses separated geographically by work tend to get together during this season to spend time as a family and in the relaxed mood, have time to make new additions to their families; whether they are away at holiday destinations or in the rural homes where late nights and late mornings are the norm for these two weeks. The younger singles are out and about in the holiday cities clubbing all night and may be less careful about their contraceptives in the holiday spirit. The youngsters are most likely to end up in a compromising position as they are least supervised at this time.

But who’s keeping tabs? The maternity staff are! September is baby boom season! The delivery units are full of moms bringing forth the fruit of their December engagements. The nine-month journey has began for a lot of couple but they don’t know that yet.

In the human species, sex is not just for procreation. It is also a recreational activity among couples and even deemed a source of income for others. But it is rarely spoken about in pregnancy. Very few couples discuss it even with their doctors during their ante-natal clinic visits yet it is such an integral part of the relationship. Nine months is a very long time for one to be pregnant and not be sure whether having sex is alright or not.

In the absence of medical indications, sex is absolutely accepted during pregnancy. Most couples will continue to engage in sex during the first few weeks as they are unaware they are even pregnant to begin with. At about six weeks into the pregnancy, the period is delayed and the first trimester symptoms set in, raising suspicion. Most people will confirm their pregnancies around this time.

During this period, most couple’s sexual life will be dependent of the woman largely. Some women will breeze through and enjoy themselves while others will be in the dumps battling horrible morning sickness, extreme sensitivity to smells, very tender breasts, mood swings and poor appetite. This may slow things down and will call for a very understanding partner. Give her time, get rid of the soap in the bathroom, put your cologne away for a while and above all, do not bring the alcohol breathe to bed at all costs!

From week 16 to 20, most women will fare much better. They have made peace with the hormones, the morning sickness is in the past and they are feeding much better. The growing uterus is not very big hence they are comfortable with most positions. Majority of them will actually report enhanced libido, especially if they are in a supportive relationship and feel appreciated and care for. This is the glorious second trimester when bedroom matters should be at an all-time high as long as gentleness is observed.

Once the third trimester sets in, most couple are afraid. It is reassuring to know that sex can still happen safely. It is a time of discovering yourselves as the big belly demands that new, comfortable positions are explored. The woman is most comfortable lying on her side; work with her. Let us dispel the myths:
1.      Sex in late pregnancy will lead to a baby born covered in ejaculate
This old wives tale needs to die. The baby is already covered in the protective amniotic bag where he floats in fluid. There is no contact between the baby and semen. Normal ejaculate is about the volume of a teaspoon, is non-toxic and it made the baby in the first place! The whitish layer on babies is called vernix caseosa. It is mostly made up of the dead cells the baby has been shedding for the nine months.

2.      Sex will trigger premature labour
Seminal fluid does contain prostaglandins which are known to be physiologic triggers of labour. But the quantities contained per ejaculate are too low to trigger premature labour.

3.      Sex will harm the baby
Unless the partner transmits a disease to the pregnant mother, this is another tale that needs to go.

Having said that, there are medical conditions that will rain on your parade, leading your doctor to prohibit sex. These are serious and must be adhered to strictly. They include:
1.      Vaginal bleeding: This is the most ominous sign in all trimesters of pregnancy. See your doctor immediately and stop all sexual activity until you are cleared as safe.

2.      Premature rupture of membranes: The baby’s bag or waters may tear, causing amniotic fluid to leak out before the baby is mature enough to be delivered. Strict bed rest, antibiotics, steroids to mature the baby’s lungs and complete sexual abstinence is part of standard protocol. With the baby’s protection compromised, the vaginal canal is a no-go zone.

3.      Cervical cerclage: This applies to women with a short cervix that may lead to a miscarriage as the baby grows. Most of these women have had repeat miscarriages in their past and need this medical intervention to prevent a recurrence. The cervix is held closed by a circumferential stitch to keep it closed until term. Do not dare bend the rules here.

4.      Genital tract infections: Pregnant women have a very poor immune system. This is a natural response to protect the both mother and baby. They should be protected from all infections at all costs, including sexually transmitted ones.

As the long January month drags by and leisure activities are financially limited, couples are free to engage in their cost-free past time safely. Whenever in doubt, talk to your doctor and seek clarity. Have a beautiful 2018!


Underneath the white coat is a woman, with a deep appreciation for the simple joys of life. Happy to share my experiences and musings with you through my work and life!

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