Every time I mention to my patient that she may require
induction of labor, the suggestion is met with a lot of resistance. Such was
the case with my patient Nasra*. Nasra was carrying her third baby. She had two
little girls aged seven and four and the whole family was excited that they
were going to add a boy this time round.
Nasra is a lovely lady, very friendly, inquisitive and eager
to learn. She has a strong background in finance, and despite coming from a cultural
background that does not encourage women in education, holds a masters level
degree in finance and administration. She runs a successful company together
with her husband and she comfortably fits into the category of a modern elite
However, when she visited the clinic at 40 weeks gestation,
after her check-up and assurance that all was well with the baby, I opened the
discussion on possible induction of labor, at which point she balked! She
completely refused to hear it. Having seen many women have a similar reaction,
I took my time to dispel popular myths about induction of labor to help her
calm down but she would have none of that.
She adamantly said that she would wait for labor to begin
naturally. We agreed to see her again in a week’s time and she was fine with
that. At the next appointment, all was well but we did need to fix a date for
induction. After an hour of further explanations as to why it was necessary to
induce labor, she agreed to come to the hospital three days later for admission
and induction.
On the material day, by 7.00p.m., she had not reported and I made
a mental note to talk to her the next morning. The phone call came at 2.00a.m.,
Nasra was in the wards, in labor but also with bad diarrhea. She was begging
the midwives to do something to stop the diarrhea. We made her comfortable,
started her on intravenous fluids and continued with monitoring of labor. The
diarrhea was already subsiding on its own, and the little one was doing great.
Five hours later, Nasra held her newborn son in her arms amidst tears of joy
and relief.
Apparently, despite all the information given to Nasra, the
old wives tales at home from her female relatives were more convincing. She
opted to disregard her options and chose to try non-scientific methods whose
effectiveness remains unproven such as
walking about a lot, having sex, rubbing her nipples and when all else
failed, she resorted to good old castor oil. Castor oil in return led to
intractable diarrhea and eventua labor. Now that the worst was over, Nasra was
able to make great fun of herself and she swore to never again self-medicate at
home. She chided herself for opting for the longer, uncomfortable route to
achieving the same results and to date, is a strong advocate for clinical induction
of labor.
Nasra’s biggest fear was pain. She had been told that
induction of labor was much more painful than natural onset labor. She was
avoiding this all along. Unfortunately, this misconception holds true for most
women in Kenya. However, continued conversations reveal that most women do not
know the difference between induction of labor and augmentation of labor.
Onset of labor is a process that is still quite mysterious
despite several theories being fronted. The trigger for natural onset of labor
is still poorly understood. However, the role of prostaglandins on ripening the
cervix and triggering labor is clear. This has allowed us to have safe,
effective and affordable methods of induction of labor. Before the advent of
prostaglandins, the use of mechanical methods to open the cervix were commonly
used, such as use of catheters placed in the cervix and inflated to stretch it
open and trigger labor in the process.
Augmentation of labor on the other hand, requires labor to
have already set in. This is irrespective of whether that labor set in
naturally or was induced. The dreaded ‘drip’, as the oxytocin infusion is
commonly referred to by mothers, is administered to mothers who are in labor
but their contractions are not strong enough to ensure labor progresses at the
desired pace. It is used to avoid prolonged labor that is both detrimental to
the mother and the unborn baby. As the contractions gain strength and increase
in frequency, it is expected that the pains will be more intense, hence the
belief that the ‘drip’ is painful.
It is important to destigmatize the process of induction.
Medically, once the mother is admitted for induction and all the necessary
reviews have been done to assure us of the safety of the baby and the mother
and their capacity to handle labor, the prostaglandin, in form of a vaginal
pessary, is inserted high up in the vagina and the mother is allowed to rest
and await the labor pains. Depending on the type of pessary used, repeat
insertions may be done every twelve hours for the long-acting one, or every six
hours for the short-acting ones. The general rule is that within 24 hours,
labor should have commenced.
Once labor commences, it will proceed just like a natural
onset labor. Therefore, the strength of contractions will determine whether
augmentation is needed or not. It is also critical to note that just because
labor was induced does not guarantee a vaginal birth. Complications may arise
that may necessitate a caesarian section. The induction process itself may also
fail, leaving us with the option of a caesarian section.
Reasons for induction of labor vary but the commonest is due
to post-datism. This is when the baby goes beyond the expected date of
delivery. Usually a grace period of a week to maximum two weeks will be allowed,
depending on the doctor and the hospital protocols. Other reasons include
compromised well-being of the baby or mother and breaking of waters (rupture of
membranes) before onset of labor in a term pregnancy. The goal for all of us
remains a healthy baby and a healthy mother!
Well put madam.
ReplyDeleteI often just like your posts. But from now henceforth, am gonna read them, like them, share them and talk about them. This is really good stuff! And written in a way that demystifies the birth process.