Over the past five decades, the contraceptive debates have raged on like a house on fire with minimal ground being ceded. The introduction of contraceptives in Kenya was and continues to be touted as ‘Family Planning’, a terminology that may be quickly getting obsolete.

Contraceptives were introduced as options available to families, mostly used by the woman, to help plan for when to have children and how many. Now, with more sex happening outsides the confines of marriage, this view has to change.

In the seventies and eighties, a lot of married women embraced long-term contraceptive methods and even had permanent sterilization done especially when they felt they had attained the desired family size. Many women in my mother’s age group encouraged each other to have their tubes tied after having six to ten children. These are women who had gotten married young and had delivered most of their babies in their twenties. By their mid-thirties, they were done. The sheer effort of raising the children at a time when education was catching on as a priority was a driving force to embracing the BTL as bilateral tubal ligation is popularly know.

These women were not without their fair share of critics. Religious sects came down on them hard, most vocal being the Catholic Church. The women were castigated for committing what was tantamount to murder. The war raged on and was further fuelled by the declaration of HIV/AIDS as a national disaster, prompting the ABC campaign that encouraged condom use. Then came the multi-party era with tribalism rearing its ugly head and politicians joined the fray, asking their voters to multiply to ensure that power remained within the community.

While all this was going on, quietly the feminist movement was taking hold in Kenya. Women began to view contraceptive use as an empowerment tool. The young independent woman who embraced her sexual and reproductive health rights counted control over her body as one of the feminist identifiers and it was suddenly cool for the woman to carry the condoms in step with the man. But the winner of them all was the morning after pill, which gained prominence to heights never seen before in contraceptive consumption.

A lot of these women are currently in my generation. Ambitious over-achievers holding senior positions in the government and the corporate world, successful entrepreneurs controlling huge market shares, creatives who have carved a niche for themselves and become household names, leaders in the fashion industry who are jet-setting across the globe.

All these achievements come at a cost. Many of these women have had to shelve ambitions of starting their families. They have been so busy conquering the world that they have not had the time to be pregnant, breast feed, change diapers and run after toddlers on tricycles. Granted, some of their peers have done it and done a splendid job at that, but many have not.

As the mid-thirties approach, I begin to see a subtle shift in their attitudes. Aside from the high derived from scaling professional peaks, they begin to long for motherhood. They begin to spend more time with their nieces and nephews, spoiling them rotten with weekend holidays and family outings. They begin to convince themselves that they can actually handle motherhood.

Make no mistake, the competitive spirit in them is not mellowed one bit. Neither has their need to be in control of every aspect of the motherhood. The subject of consultations at my office is beginning to take a subtle shift. This shift is purely driven by the technological advances that the world of science has come up with and continues to refine.

These women want to get pregnant in their own time, choose the gender of the baby, and even dictate multiple pregnancies. These are well researched women who have read and understood what technology has to offer. They quote the statistics better than most doctors, have the list of adverse effects on their fingertips, and even know the brand names of fertility drugs.

Most commonly, they want drugs to assure them of ovulation at a predetermined time, so as to control conception. They will request for a planned birthday hence the delivery of the baby must be executed within the said 24 hours. This way, they can plan for kindergarten enrolment before the baby is conceived, all the way to when they are able to take up their next job assignment in Canada or Malaysia.

Then there is another special group, who are not ready yet, to start the family. Being highly intelligent people, they have appreciated how advancement of age is detrimental to their ability to bear children and even having quality eggs. These women choose to harvest their eggs and freeze them for future use. For them, money is not a limitation, hence harvesting eggs at a cost of Ksh. 400,000 to 500,000 and storing them for a cost of Ksh. 15,000 to 30,000 per year is fairly affordable. They have five to ten years to use these eggs and even if nature failed them, they may be able to have a surrogate mother carry for them their offspring.

A whole enterprise has now been build around this scenario. The assisted reproductive techniques were initially focused on helping women desperately struggling with infertility but now the market has expanded and new clients are on board. With the sudden rise in demand for the service, fertility centres are sprouting all over town and our Indian colleagues have descended in the country to cash in on the business.

As technology continues to spoil us with choices, doctors continue to invest in the necessary skills and knowledge and banks are happy to provide loans to those setting up the expensive infrastructure, my prayer is that the legislation stays a step ahead to regulate what is essentially a good thing that can be easily abused. My prayer to the legislators in the Senate and the National Assembly is that you will hasten the process of passing the Assisted Reproductive Technologies Bill and the Reproductive Health Bill into law!

Picture courtesy of healthtap.com


Underneath the white coat is a woman, with a deep appreciation for the simple joys of life. Happy to share my experiences and musings with you through my work and life!

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